Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Something is Surfacing

There are many things surfacing in my life right now that are really positive and moving me forward. I recently attended my friend Bennett's dinner party that examined how individuals can really make 2011 their best year yet for growth and development. Many people at the dinner party would stand up and state their intentions for 2011 to the group and the group would offer input into how they could meet their goals.

My biggest goal for 2011 is to love myself completely and unconditionally. I have found that even through my years of commitment to my growth as a woman and attempts at complete self love without fear or anxiety interfering with this love, I still struggle to know this for myself. I have many things to be confident about. I have a great career that I absolutely love. My grandfather before he passed had said to me what a blessing that is and how fortunate I am to love what I do for a living. I've always considered that to be a no brainer since a majority of our adult lives is spent at work. I have a positive outlook on life and have the ability to overcome many difficult obstacles. I am very communicative and love to support the people I love in my life. I have fantastic friends and family who I am completely dedicated to. I am happy, bubbly, and very energetic. When I'm in a relationship, I'm committed and I'm a great partner on all levels. I'm beautiful but the beauty goes beyond the face and body. I consider myself to be an intelligent human being who strives to continue learning. I am also a spiritual person which is something I am typically private about but does impact my ability to stay positive and encourage the people I interact with to be better people. I am artist and sold two paintings in the last year. There are many good things about me that would say I shouldn't have any problem with loving myself.

The struggle for self love exists because of rooted historical issues. I know what these issues are and I continue to work through them in various outlets. I have learned great coping methods in handling these situations and how to interact with these people when needed. I have established healthy boundaries and discovered that I don't need to repeat any relationship that I was a witness to growing up. I can have healthy relationships with men. Even as I write this, I know I am still working through this and I value the process and the journey I am undertaking. I am a work in progress, but I guess so is everyone else.

After Bennett's dinner party, I started to date some quality people. Even if the relationships do or do not work in any of these instances, I have discovered that I too can love myself and through this love attract individuals that love me in ways that I deserve to be loved. The love doesn't have to be romantically based or relationship based. This love is like a constant flow of energy that just continues to flow through me and everyone I make contact with. After coming from a place of sadness and self-loathing, I'm learning to love myself in all my forms, good or not so good. I may not be perfect but I'm great at being me which is a worthwhile person to love. So as I love myself and re-discover these feelings again, I know that there is someone out there who will be very fortunate to share this love and this woman when I'm ready. Until then I will continue to love me, to make peace with myself, and know I am an amazing woman.